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CPT Code 90846 is a procedure code used by licensed behavioral health providers. It specifically refers to Family psychotherapy (without the patient present) and involves sessions lasting 50 minutes. During these sessions, the therapist interacts with family members without the identified patient (IP) being present. The goal is to address family dynamics, communication, and relationships.

Usage Guidelines

  • Session Duration: While the official description specifies 50 minutes, you can bill for sessions lasting a minimum of 26 minutes. Always document the actual time spent to ensure accurate billing.
  • Comparison with 90847: Both 90846 and 90847 fall under family psychotherapy codes. The key difference is that 90846 excludes the IP, while 90847 includes the IP in the session. If you’re unsure, consider hiring a billing service for licensed mental health professionals.
  • Billing Restrictions:
    • Same-Day Billing: You cannot bill 90846 on the same day as 90847. If the client is present for part of the session, use 90847 instead.
    • Extended Time: For sessions lasting 90 minutes or longer, bill 90846 alone (not combined with other codes).
    • Insurance Considerations: Reimbursement varies by insurer, degree level of the provider, and age requirements (often 18 or 21). Some insurers may not reimburse for 90846, so verify with each insurance company.

Comparison with Other Psychotherapy CPT Codes

  • 90834: Individual psychotherapy (45 minutes)
  • 90837: Individual psychotherapy (60 minutes)
  • 90847: Family psychotherapy (with the patient present)
CPT Code Description Session Duration
90834 Individual psychotherapy 45 minutes
90837 Individual psychotherapy 60 minutes
90846 Family psychotherapy (without IP present) 50 minutes (billable from 26 min)
90847 Family psychotherapy (with IP present)

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Who Should Learn About 90846 CPT Code?

Mental Health Professionals: Consistent, accurate billing and documentation depend on an understanding of CPT 90846.
Billing Administrators: For the purpose of accurate coding and reliable reimbursement processes.

Resources/ References:

Remember, accurate coding ensures fair compensation for mental health services and contributes to better patient care. For more detailed information, explore the following resources from our blog:

And check out these additional resources:

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