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The Treatment Plan Challenge

A treatment plan is not just another clinical note, and shouldn’t be treated that way by your EHR. It is a living document that follows the patient throughout the care provided to reflect progress towards goals.

You should expect your EHR to support clinical best practices and manage all the administrative work entailed with treatment plans, like getting signatures, reviewing plans and linking all documentation together.

In the fight for reimbursements, make sure you support yourself with the most high quality documentation available–does your EHR’s treatment plan live up to the challenge?

Below are a few questions and consideration to ask your of EHR when evaluating their treatment plan:

  • Is it based on DSM-5 diagnosis?
  • Has it updated to prepare for ICD-10?
  • Does it include content templates for goals, objectives, and interventions written and designed by experts in the field?
  • Can it easily align with measurable outcomes to document progress towards goals?

Treatment Planning with Valant

We challenged ourselves to create a treatment plan unlike any available out there– one that follows industry best practices, including a workflow and structure that is flexible enough to account for the full complexity of behavioral health.

Our Treatment Plans are based on the foundation of DSM-5 diagnoses. The intuitive user experience allows clinicians to document problems related to client diagnosis, then nest goals for the problems, objectives for the goals, and interventions to support the objectives. It enables you to incorporate outcome measures to support your progress towards goals and includes ample space for the patient’s own voice, as well as emphasis on their strengths rather than just problems.

We are confident our Treatment Plan lives up to the challenge. Learn more now!