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Integrated Credit Card Processing

BillingBlogClinical DocumentationEHR TechnologyIntake and Assessment AutomationIntegrated Credit Card ProcessingManaging Your PracticeNon-Prescribing ClinicianOffice ManagerPatient PortalPractice AdministrationPractice OwnerPrescribing ClinicianTelehealthTransitioning from Paper

EHR Implementation Best Practices

The use of electronic health record (EHR) systems in mental health practices to store, organize, and analyze healthcare data brings many advantages over on-paper record keeping. Once the EHR implementation process is complete, the software should make practice management easier,…
Andrew Schatzberg
March 31, 2023
BillerBillingBilling for Behavioral HealthBlogEHR TechnologyIntegrated Credit Card ProcessingManaging Your PracticeNon-Prescribing ClinicianOffice ManagerPatient PortalPractice AdministrationPractice OwnerPrescribing Clinician

Integrated vs. Non-Integrated Credit Card Processing for Your EHR

Does your behavioral health practice need credit card processing built right into the EHR, or will a third-party service do? Practice size, long-term goals, and budget will all factor into the decision, but here’s a basic overview of the differences…
Andrew Schatzberg
February 10, 2023
BillerBillingBilling for Behavioral HealthBlogGrowing Your PracticeIntegrated Credit Card ProcessingManaging Your PracticeNon-Prescribing ClinicianOffice ManagerPerformance ReportingPractice AdministrationPractice OwnerPrescribing Clinician

Projecting Your Behavioral Health Practice’s Profitability

Projecting your behavioral health practice’s profitability isn’t as hard as you may think. The process requires financial clarity, a little analysis, and brainstorming. Finally, sprinkle on some specific goals for new income streams if your practice is seeing red. The…
Andrew Schatzberg
February 2, 2023
BillingBilling for Behavioral HealthBlogEHR TechnologyIntegrated Credit Card ProcessingManaging Your PracticePatient CommunicationsPatient EngagementPatient PortalPractice Administration

How EHR-Integrated Credit Card Processing Benefits My Practice

Why bother with EHR credit card integration? What are the benefits of EHR-integrated card processing vs. processing done through a third-party service, like a countertop terminal? The short answer is yes—a big difference. Credit card integration benefits reach far beyond…
Andrew Schatzberg
December 14, 2022
BillingBlogClinical DocumentationClinical ReportingEHR TechnologyIntegrated Credit Card ProcessingManaging Your PracticeNon-Prescribing ClinicianOffice ManagerPerformance ReportingPractice OwnerPrescribing Clinician

EHR Systems for Mental Health Providers

EHR Systems for Mental Health Providers Are EHR systems worth it for mental health providers? Only if you want to work more efficiently and provide better results to patients. It’s hard to overstate the benefits that electronic health records have…
Andrew Schatzberg
October 28, 2022
BillerBlogComplianceEHR TechnologyIntegrated Credit Card ProcessingManaging Your PracticeOffice ManagerPractice AdministrationPractice OwnerRegulations and Compliance

Security of Integrated Credit Card Processing vs. Standalone

The security of your patients’ sensitive information is of utmost importance, and it’s not limited to treatment records. If you accept payment via credit or debit card, as most practices do, you must also protect your patients’ payment information. The…
Andrew Schatzberg
September 10, 2022
BillingBilling for Behavioral HealthBlogEHR TechnologyIntegrated Credit Card ProcessingManaging Your PracticeOffice ManagerPatient PortalPractice AdministrationPractice Owner

Beginner’s Guide to Online Billing for Behavioral Health

If you’ve never used online billing for behavioral health practices before, you probably have a lot of questions about how the process works and whether it’s right for your practice. You’ll also need to know how to set up online…
Andrew Schatzberg
August 25, 2022