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Private Behavioral Health Conference Roundup

A Summary of Upcoming Behavioral Health Conferences Geared Towards the Private Practice in 2018 Conferences are great for brushing up on the latest industry knowledge, collaborating with colleagues, and discovering new ways to improve professionally. This year there is a…
Heidi Amrine
February 5, 2018

Pride 2017: A rainbow of highlights

June is Pride month for the LGBTQ community, and we’re here to celebrate! In addition to the parades and dance parties, there were also successful fundraisers for those in need as well as memorials for those lost in hate crimes.…
Heidi Amrine
June 28, 2017

The Asteroid Manifesto

Remember the game Asteroids? At the risk of dating myself, I do. Asteroids came out in 1979 and was a great shoot ‘em up video game in which you blasted asteroids that flew relentlessly into your path. Being asteroids, they…
Heidi Amrine
April 5, 2017

April is Alcohol Awareness Month

April is Alcohol Awareness Month. Though alcohol can be used responsibly and is a significant facet of American culture, alcoholism is pervasive and destructive of individuals, families, and entire communities. Alcoholism can affect every aspect of a person’s life, including…
Heidi Amrine
April 3, 2017

AHCA in a Nutshell

A quick breakdown of the first draft of the bill Earlier this month the House of Representatives laid out the initial draft of the American Health Care Act (AHCA). If approved, the much-anticipated legislation will repeal and replace several key…
Heidi Amrine
March 17, 2017

Behavioral Health Myths and Realities

Debunking five common behavioral health falsehoods The stigmas surrounding mental illness and substance abuse are an ongoing challenge. Close to 90% of individuals with a mental health diagnosis stated that at some point they had personally experienced discrimination resulting from…
Heidi Amrine
January 16, 2017