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Earlier this month, Valant was honored to host two cloud-services experts to talk about Amazon Web Services. These panelist spoke to how AWS security and capabilities can help bolster the behavioral health industry.

This webinar was the result of countless blank stares received when we mentioned that our Platform was built on AWS. We know that people are aware of Amazon as an online store, but few are aware of the hosting capabilities that AWS inherently holds. As a software company, we have access to high-tech tools and people who can explain those tools in simple terms. We decided to pull back the curtain a bit on our library of information, but we couldn’t do it alone.

Our team hosted two influential partners who represent the partnership between AWS and behavioral health care.

Our two panelists are:

  • Aaron Friedman, PhD of Amazon Web Services. Aaron is the technical lead for healthcare & life sciences companies in the AWS Partner Network. He oversees solutions architecture and technology strategy/enablement for the healthcare and life sciences ecosystem for AWS.
  • Gerry Miller is Founder and Chief Technology Officer for Cloudticity, which helps healthcare companies design, build, migrate, and manage HIPAA-compliant systems on Amazon Web Services.

The need for current technology in our industry is real: 1 in 5 people will suffer from a mental health issue this year, yet outdated behavioral health technology inhibits providers from proving absolute value or success of certain services or treatments. AWS and Cloudticity are working together to change that. Their partnership provides the tools needed for behavioral health technology companies to build solutions that this industry so desperately needs. This webinar will speak to these tools and how they enable Behavioral Health EHRs to bring disruptive innovation to the industry.

We hope you enjoy the content!