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An EHR should bring an organization value—not unending financial woes. When shopping for an EHR, organizational leaders interested in making the best possible choice need to consider what costs exist beyond the initial buying process. But quantifying EHR total cost of ownership (TCO) is tricky in behavioral healthcare due to the intricate web of technology, regulation, providers, and processes that are involved.

Our white paper, “Total Cost of Ownership”, takes a close look at the relationship between EHRs and the behavioral healthcare model, which is more often than not a series of financial snares and pitfalls to the unknowing. What kind of missteps are organizations taking when attempting to reconcile cost and value? What are the most common areas of indirect cost when taking TCO into account, and what can be done?

Fortunately, the indirect costs that contribute strongly to an organization’s TCO aren’t simply part of the reality of behavioral health care that the organization must accept. TCO can be brought down to a manageable level, though it requires a deviation from the status quo approach. Interested in learning more? Download our full white paper here:

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